Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Safety alert on cholesterol drugs

Take a pill for every ill ... from prescription drugs to over the counter pain killers, every pill has a side effect. A new safety alert has been added by the FDA to cholesterol lowering medications. These pills are taken to reduce the risk of heart problems and prevent heart diseases. However, apparently they are also increasing the risk of memory loss, high blood sugar and muscle pain. The most selling drugs such as Lipitor, Zocor and Crestor are among the cited drugs.

Quoting Dr. Amy G. Egan, deputy director for safety in the F.D.A.’s division of metabolism and endocrinology products “the value of statins in preventing heart disease has been clearly established”...their benefit is indisputable, but they need to be taken with care and knowledge of their side effects.”

For reference click here 

Active video games are not increasing children's activity level

Children age 5 to 11 are encouraged to have 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Games such as "Wii fit" have been advertised to being alternatives to outdoor games, helping children burn more calories compared to watching TV or playing regular video games. However, a study on 79 children between the ages of 9 and 12 showed that children receiving two active video games were no more active over a 12-week period than those who received two inactive video games.

So in conclusion, children playing these games are not getting enough exercise as they should. Activities such as riding a bike or playing with the ball not only have more benefit but also will reduce the amount of screen time during the day.

Ref: presstv.com
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Overeating may double your risk of memory loss

According to a very recent study memory loss could be added to the health risks of overeating. It suggested that consuming between 2100 and 6000 calories per day may double the risk of memory loss or mind cognitive impairment (MCI) among people aged 70 and older. MCI is the period between normal memory loss that comes with aging and early Alzheimer's disease. The results of this study are set to be presented this April at the American Academy of Neurology's 64th Annual Meeting.

Ref: thirdage.com
If these findings are true then a proper diet would not only help us maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, but could also prevent memory loss as we age.

For more information click here

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The heart attack grill !

Ref: tvanouvelles.ca
The heart attack grill is a burger joint whose slogan is "taste worth dying for". Its menu is known to be quite unhealthy and very high in fat to the point that there is a sign on the front door saying that " this establishment is bad for your health". The waitresses are dressed as nurses and the owner is dressed as a doctor. To add to the irony, every client weighing more than 350 lb eats for free !

On the menu, we can find butterfat shake, deep fried chicken with lard, triple bypass burger (6000 Calories) and quadruple bypass burger (8000 Calories).

The ironic and sad part is a man having a "triple bypass burger" suffered a heart attack while eating it but luckily survived... The owner surely chose the perfect name for his restaurant !

For more information click here

Malnutrition kills 2 million children a year

While people are dying from overeating, some are dying from malnutrition. We keep hearing how the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide but another sad truth is that every minute five children are dying around the world from chronic malnutrition.

The numbers in Africa are the more striking. In fact, nearly 60 million children are stunted (reduced growth). Moreover, it has been reported that if action is not taken to reduce chronic malnutrition, 450 million children will be affected by 2025.

The problem is not because there is not enough food to feed everyone. World agriculture produces 17 % more calories per person today than it did 30 years ago despite the increase in population. The problem is that many people do not have sufficient land to grow or income to purchase enough food. Governmental action is needed to fight the problem of hunger.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Boost your brain with milk: findings of the latest study

A recent study on 900 adults published in the International Dairy Journal have looked at the relation between dairy food intake and cognitive function. Their results showed that adults with higher intakes of milk and milk products had a higher score on memory and other brain function tests than those who drank little or no milk. These results made the authors state that " drinking just one glass of milk a day could boost your brain power". However, the mechanism is not clear as the study did not show direct cause and effect.

What we know is that drinking milk was always highly encouraged for bone health. It's high in different nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, protein, and it's a good addition addition to our daily diet esp if we choose the low fat or skimmed milk. To be able to add the benefits of increased brain health, other types of study designs showing the mechanism are required.

For more information click here

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Aphrodisiac Chocolate

Valentine's day is close and chocolate are always the perfect gift, but why?  In fact, when a person is in love his or her brain produces a chemical called phenylethylamine (PEA) believed to trigger the euphoric sensation of being in love. Since chocolate contains PEA, it has been listed as being an aphrodisiac food. However, PEA is rapidly metabolized before it reaches the brain. Moreover, studies have yet failed to find a relevant link between chocolate and increased sexual desire.

Aphrodisiac or not, for most people it's always a pleasure to have a chocolate bite. So if a box of chocolate makes your valentine happy then don't think twice. In the end, it's all in the head, and as the Roman philosopher Seneca once said " I will show you a philter without potions, without herbs, without any witch's incantation- if you wish to be loved, love"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New weight loss method: HYPNOSIS

With the rise of the obesity prevalence worldwide, weight loss efforts also increased. Every now and then we see the emergence of a new miracle diet or diet pills that promise fast and easy weight loss.

The recent method is not a diet nor a drug nor a surgery; it's hypnosis. In fact, Paul McKenna PhD, is proposing that through hypnosis we can program our mind so that we eat less and change bad habits. By training the brain to believe that the involved person had undergone gastric banding surgery (gastric band hypnosis), overeating is decreased.  Another method could be to increase the metabolism which will also lead to weight loss.

Ref: edmontonhypnotherapyclinic.ca
This procedure is brand new and the long term effect are not yet studied and verified. Moreover, Paul Mckenna mentioned that this method do not work for everyone. In the end, there are no magic bullets for weight loss. Regardless of the method, the most important thing would be to adopt a healthier lifestyle and maintain the good habits on the long run.

For more information click here

AeroShot instead of a coffee drink ?

AeroShot is a new product that first went on the market a month ago in Massachusetts, New York and now in France. It contains mostly 100 mg of caffeine powder which is the equivalent to a large cup of coffee. So instead of drinking your coffee you inhale the caffeine to get the energy boost you need.

Some officials worry that the product could become the next club drug of abuse for young adults and ask the FDA a review.
Ref: cbc.ca

For all the coffee lovers are you willing to switch your cup of coffee for an AeroShot ?!

For more information click here

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fructose consumption may increase cardiovasular risk

A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition have looked at the health effect of consuming fructose (fruit sugar) in adolescents. The result showed that a high consumption of this sugar is linked to an increase of visceral fat, which is a fat that accumulates around the internal organs. In general, the higher the visceral fat the higher the risk for cardiovascular problems.

Fructose is naturally found in fruits, vegetables and honey but also in high fructose corn syrup.The latter is found in processed foods and beverages that are heavily consumed by the teenage population.

As the author said it's wrong to say that fructose is bad. If taken in excess it might increase cardiovascular risk factors.  It's really important for all caregivers to provide healthy eating and encourage their children to be physically active. This is the best recipe to be healthy and stay healthy.

For more information click here

Monday, February 6, 2012

Drinking alcohol warms you up... Myth or Science ?

It's winter time and there's nothing like a shot of alcohol to warm up. The truth is drinking alcohol actually lowers our body temperatures! In fact, alcohol causes our blood vessels to flow to the skin making us feel warmer but giving up heat that is causing a decrease in our core temperature. This hypothermia illusion is very dangerous and sometimes fatal.

Take home message: If you had too much to drink don't stay out long in the cold! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The sunshine vitamin and fertility

The sunshine vitamin or vitamin D is so called because it is produced in our bodies through exposure to sun's ultraviolet rays. Research have shown that it has been linked to many health benefits including bone health, regulation of blood pressure and prevention of certain types of cancer, depression, arthritis... What if we can add to the list that it can regulate sex hormones and affect fertility in both men and women.

Ref: google image vitamindsociety.org
These findings came from a systematic review that looked at all the available scientific papers on vitamin D and fertility. Further investigation and human trials are needed but to all couples trying to conceive, having a sunny vacation or spending some more time in the sun can be a nice option !

For more information click here

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Drinking coffee may reduce diabetes

Chinese researchers have found that certain compounds in coffee including caffeine inhibit the formation and accumulation of a protein linked with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes ( the most common). Moreover, for those who like decaffeinated coffee, the benefits are equal, according to researchers, as there are many bioactive compounds in it. However, more studies are needed to prove the link.

In conclusion: drinking coffee might help in reducing one's risk of diabetes but exercising and maintaining a healthy weight continue to be the best preventive measures.

For more information click here

Friday, February 3, 2012

Can a food allergy cause weight gain ?

A lot of people try hard to loose weight and fail in doing so. In general, this could be explained by a low metabolism, endocrine problems, certain diseases... but Dr Mark Hyman, MD is proposing  that food allergies cause inflammation in our gastrointestinal tract which also cause bloating and weight gain. By eliminating the food allergens and hence the inflammation caused by it weight loss becomes easier.

You can check his website where you would find more information on his theory.

Programmed to be fat

A week ago I saw a very interesting but frightening documentary on CBC the Nature of Things. The episode was titled programmed to be fat. In summary, it was showing that fetal exposure to environmental chemicals we find in plastics, cans, water and food, might be causing obesity in adulthood. In other words, what future moms are eating during their pregnancies might be affecting their babies later on in life.

I invite you all to watch this 45 minutes documentary as the details and the findings of research are clearly explained. Waiting for your comments ! Just click on this link

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Foods that boost your mood

"You are what you eat" is a saying that we commonly read. In fact, our eating habits can either make us healthy and strong or just the opposite. If we choose the right food, the benefits of the nutrients packed within these foods is enormous.

I came across an article written on Dr Oz website that I found interesting. 3 foods were listed as mood boosters especially for those following a diet. These are:
  • Kefir:  It's a probiotic fermented milk different from the regular milk we know. It's recommended for decreasing anxiety because it helps in raising brain levels of the serotonin, a "happy feeling" neurotransmitter.  
  • Asparagus: This vegetable is very high in folic acid which can help in reducing mood swings.
  • Oranges: The high amount of vitamin C in this fruit can reduce stress hormones as well as blood pressure. Therefore, having an orange as a snack can be helpful in decreasing stress.
Bonne Appetit :)

For more information click here

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

McDonald is no longer using "Pink Slime" in its burgers

For all McDonald's fans, what you used to eat was spare of beef trimmings treated with ammonium hydroxide, known as "Pink Slime".

Ammonium hydroxide is a chemical used in fertilizers and household cleaners. According to the British chef Jamie Oliver, it is added to beef to make it suitable for human consumption, and quoting him "Basically we're taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest form for dogs and making it 'fit' for humans."

I don't know if this should be considered good news since there is no more "Pink Slime" in our McDonald's burgers, but needless to say Pink Slime or not, ammonium hydroxide is still used as an anti-microbial agent in the production of meats .

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