Sunday, February 5, 2012

The sunshine vitamin and fertility

The sunshine vitamin or vitamin D is so called because it is produced in our bodies through exposure to sun's ultraviolet rays. Research have shown that it has been linked to many health benefits including bone health, regulation of blood pressure and prevention of certain types of cancer, depression, arthritis... What if we can add to the list that it can regulate sex hormones and affect fertility in both men and women.

Ref: google image
These findings came from a systematic review that looked at all the available scientific papers on vitamin D and fertility. Further investigation and human trials are needed but to all couples trying to conceive, having a sunny vacation or spending some more time in the sun can be a nice option !

For more information click here


  1. What if you are not exposed to the sun? Can Vitamin D pills replace sunlight (100%)?

    Do you think sunlight exposure is the only reliable way to generate vitamin D in your own body?

    Thanks for the input.

  2. Hey Rami,

    Sources of Vitamin D are: sunlight exposure, food (fatty fish and fish liver oils),fortified food (such as fortified milk) and supplements.

    When you are exposed to sunlight your body will produce Vitamin D3. In supplements and fortified foods, vitamin D is available in two forms:D2 and D3.The two forms have traditionally been regarded as equivalent and both forms effectively raise vitamin D levels. So if you don't live in a sunny area or your exposure to sunlight is limited, supplementation of Vitamin D is encouraged. However, be careful of the amount your taking cause very high levels could be toxic. According to the NIH, adults between 19 and 70 need around 600 IU of vitamin D.
