Friday, February 3, 2012

Programmed to be fat
A week ago I saw a very interesting but frightening documentary on CBC the Nature of Things. The episode was titled programmed to be fat. In summary, it was showing that fetal exposure to environmental chemicals we find in plastics, cans, water and food, might be causing obesity in adulthood. In other words, what future moms are eating during their pregnancies might be affecting their babies later on in life.

I invite you all to watch this 45 minutes documentary as the details and the findings of research are clearly explained. Waiting for your comments ! Just click on this link


  1. Very interesting!
    I wonder what the food industry/governments/regulators will do in their combat against obesity when more similar researches sees the light

  2. In my opinion even if more research proves the link with obesity there won't be any significant change within the food industry. There's a lot of money behind the production and sale of food products. However lets hope for the best !
