Monday, March 12, 2012

Would you eat a lab grown hamburger ?

A Dutch scientist has been growing strips of meat in a Petri dish from animal stem cells and is hoping to have enough of them to cook his first lab-grown hamburger this fall. Apparently, this concept is not a new idea as scientists have been trying to do it for years.
Environmentalists say producing meat in the lab would be greener than controversial livestock farming practices and slaughterhouses because it requires much less energy, land and water. Moreover, organizations like People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are fully behind the test-tube meat project. They have funded scientists working to create meat alternatives and even offered $1 million to the first one who comes up with a viable, lab-grown chicken substitute.
The question that everyone would ask themselves: Would I eat that ? The concern once this is achieved is what type of food will we have on our table and what other projects are next ?

For more information click here 

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